not being mean, but...
i don't mean to bash it..,. but, it's quite short, bad graphics, and infuriatingly low in variation. you can't go down file ladders, and all the levels are pretty much the same, with the exception of annoying enimies that force you to use the newest weapon you've just gotten, or face a selected group of invicibles, who are immune to another weapon type. also meaning, that you get stuck with this new weapon, until the next level at whoch you get another infuriatingly stupid weapon. and when you fire mines, it fire multiple mines at a time, also causing a lack of ammo later on. i know you will have the skill to fix these problems, and if you must, make another game, with more variety, and less gay stick figures. (you can make it, so it's the virus has infected the glowmonkey site, while glowmonkey (the only one that visits that site by the way) was away randomly slaughtering a more unintelligent version of the virus.